Opportunities to Give
We are very grateful for all support of our parish life and ministries. If you would like to help spread the love of God through our ministries, please send offerings by check to:
St. James Episcopal Church
4 St. James Place
Essex Junction, VT 05452
Pledging is one way of showing your intention to support God's mission over the course of a year. If you would like to make a pledge for 2025, please click here for more information.
You can also give online using PayPal. Donate using your existing PayPal account (or create a free account), or simply use any major credit or debit card without enrolling in PayPal. You can make a one-time, or recurring gift.
When you click the "donate" button below, you will be able to access a drop down menu and choose how your donation will be designated. For special designations, please use the notation line to send us your instruction. Because PayPal does charge a transaction fee, you may also opt to support St. James by donating the small fee with your payment.
St. James welcomes bequests, endowments, and other forms of planned giving. If you would like to receive information about planned giving, endowments, or a bequest, please contact us at office@stjamesvt.org.
Did you know? People who take required minimum distributions from certain types of retirement accounts each year can designate all or a portion of them to go directly to St. James, a qualified charitable organization. Please check with the IRS or a tax advisor for more information about qualified charitable distributions. We'll be glad to help you with the necessary information to make St. James your designated recipient.
All gifts are tax deductible under IRS provisions for donations to 501(c) 3 organizations.
Donate through PayPal here:
Contact Us!
St. James Episcopal Church
4 St. James Place
Essex Junction VT 05452